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This ONE Tip Can Skyrocket Your Business Success

In this blog post, I'll be letting you in on a tip that I've recently discovered and leveraged in my own business that has helped me see success & growth.

So if you’re a member of our Facebook community - The Start-Up Boss Mama Mastermind, you'd know that ever since I started the group, I have been going LIVE inside the group once a week on a Thursday afternoon (if you're not inside the group - what are you waiting for mama?)

Rain, hail or shine, I'm inside the group giving out my top tips and trainings!

And here’s the thing, going LIVE on video is actually super uncomfortable and nerve-wracking for me. But I keep showing up because I want to provide helpful tips, tools and training that will help mama's reach their goal of starting a successful business, leaving the 9-5 and working from home & looking after their babes.

I also know that getting out of my comfort zone and doing something that makes me a tad bit nervous, actually helps me grow too.

So today’s tip is a simple one, the way to skyrocket your success & growth is…

...To get out of your comfort zone!

The place you feel safe and secure and instead to jump, take the leap and do something that scares you.

Here’s the thing I’m going to make the assumption that you have certain boundaries and comfort zones that you rarely step out of, as let's be honest, you feel safe and secure in what you know. Right?

However, sometimes, the best personal and professional experiences are found when we completely step outside our comfort zone. Even if sometimes there’s an epic failure, we know we have tried something new and likely learned a great deal in the process.

I recently read this great quote, by Roy T. Bennet. It goes like this:

“Real change is difficult at the beginning, but gorgeous at the end. Change begins the moment you get the courage and step outside your comfort zone; change begins at the end of your comfort zone.”

And it’s so true. The beginning of anything new, whether it be personal or business-related, can sometimes be messy and uncomfortable. But when we get past this uncomfortable moment, the moments that pass can be so much more pleasant and rewarding.

Before I started the Start-Up Boss Mama Mastermind Facebook group, I thought that I could grow the community by showing up with a few motivational posts, sprinkle in a couple of tips and informative written posts and some funny gifs, but I know that the best way I learn myself is by watching and learning directly from the source,

Like through video training, online courses and live speakers. So months went by before I launched this group because I had so much fear around going live on video.

It wasn’t until I decided to put my fears aside, launch the group and I committed myself to go live EVERY WEEK with the best information and training I could provide for my community.

And I’m not going to lie, every single week before I go live I contemplate quitting and skipping the training, but I keep showing up, getting uncomfortable and doing my best.

And the reward?

It means that I get to have a more intimate relationship with the community members, to trust me enough to help them and then occasionally trust me enough to invest in my programs.

How amazing is that?

Now I’m guessing that you are here reading this post, as one of your biggest goals might be to start your own business too. So if you want to see growth in your business and personal life, I encourage you to step outside your comfort zone, leave your fears at the door and do something that scares you just a little.

You never know what magical moment lies just outside it.




I'm Alicia.

I'm a wife & mama from the beautiful city of Adelaide in South Australia.


A self taught business owner who loves geeking out over all things business & strategies.

I'm here to provide guidance & tools to help you start & launch a successful online business selling digital products.

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